For employers wanting to manage staff performance and development, conducting regular reviews, keeping track of review dates, what happened during the review, and the frequency of the review is critical to ensuring employees are maintaining an appropriate standard. This also creates data for recording relevant improvements and future development for the "Future Development" module below.
From the "Human Resources" page, select "Performance Review" from the list of available modules. If "Performance Review" is not showing, see "How to enable the HR Management Module" to find out how to enable this module.
Ensure you have selected the correct employee. Select "Add".
A new menu will open. Add the relevant data in relation to the module and what you are wanting to track as follows:
Review Date: Enter the date the performance is due to be reviewed.
Review By: Enter the name of the person who is to do the review.
Subject of Review: Enter the type of review to be conducted.
Outcome of Review: Use this field to enter information about the outcome of the review once conducted.
Performance Rate: Enter the percentage performance level if required ie 100%, 75% etc
Review Frequency: Enter the number of months for how often the review should take place.
Reminder Date: Enter the date you or a manager needs to be reminded to follow up on this.
Reminder Recipient: This reminder will pop up when the user first logs into Crystal Payroll.
Active: By default this will be ticked. This indicates the record is still active and the pop-up reminder will still open. If the record is historical and is being kept for information purposes, you may untick it.
Select "Save."