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Integration with Loaded Reports
Crystal Payroll seamlessly integrates with Loaded Reports. To get started we have to confirm a few things. Firstly that Loaded Report’s "Pay Codes" match with Crystal Payroll.
In Crystal go to "Company Settings", then "Costs Settings" and then jobs. In this page you will be able to see the pay codes under the column job number. If you need to change a code click on the blue text of the code and put the correct number in. If you need to put a new code in simply press the blue add button.

In crystal, also make sure your employees have "Staff ID’s". You can do this by going in to "Employee Settings" and then "Employee Details". When you select an employee you will be able to see if they have a "Staff ID" in their details page. To put a new staff code in simply put a number in the text box then click save.

Now in the Loaded Report webpage click "Time" along the top of the page. Then click "Management" in the far left drop down list. Lastly, under management you will find "Roles" click on that and you will be able to see your pay codes under the column department codes.

To check the "Staff ID’s" in Loaded Reports click "Time" on the top of the page, then "Manage" on the left drop down menu and then "Staff Members". In this screen on the far right there will be a "more" button where you can edit staff codes and save.

With all this set up correctly we can begin the import. In the Loaded Report webpage select "Time" at the top, then "Time Clock" on the left hand side bar and then select "Punches By Staff."

Then on the far right click "Select" and then the time frame that corresponds with your pay period length, such as "Week". Select the right period of time and then click "Export" on the left hand side of the screen. The system will then download a file to your computer. Do not open this file as it could corrupt the data.

You’re now going log in the Crystal Payroll so you can upload the file. Simply head into "Process a Pay" and then "Time and Income". In the time sheet screen click the "Data Import" button on the left hand side of the screen. The simply click browse and load the file you downloaded from loaded reports and click yes.