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Integration with Hell Pizza
Crystal Payroll has a fully streamlined integration with Hell Pizza that can save your payroll processing time down to just a few clicks. Thanks to your MyHellHole software, you can easily export a timesheet file that can be quickly imported into your Crystal Payroll system in a matter of seconds. Below are the instructions on how you can get your Crystal Payroll system up and running for your Hell Pizza store.
Setting Up
Head over to “Company Settings”, “Import/Export”. Under “Data Import Settings”, select "Styx" from the dropdown menu, and then select "Save"

From MyHellHole, select the red "Payroll" header along the top of the page.
Select the "Date" range for the timesheets you wish to export.

Select the downward facing arrow on the right-hand side of the page, just to the right of the "Export" button.
Select "Export as Spreadsheet".

Head over to "Process a Pay" and then "Time & Income" in Crystal Payroll. Select an employee from the left-hand side and then select "Data Import" on the right-hand side of the page.

Select "Browse". Select the file you saved. Select "Yes".

The timesheet for all employees should now populate.

You can now enter any leave taken by the employees for this period.