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- Integration with Accounting Systems
Integration with Accounting Systems
Crystal Payroll can integrate with over fifteen* time management systems. Click here for a complete list of time management systems that we currently integrate with. To setup most accounting systems, you only need to follow the first three sections. If you are using Xero, section four is where you will want to go after completing these first three. If you are using Reckon One, you can skip straight to the last section.
Tables of Contents
- How to set up Integration (Export & Import Data)
- How to set up General Ledger Codes
- How to export your Payroll Data
- Xero Integration
- Reckon One Integration
*Using an accounting system with which we do not integrate? Let us know so we can investigate an integration possibility for your software!
1. How to set up Integration (Export & Import Data)
From home, select "Company Settings", and then "Import/Export".
2. How to set up General Ledger Codes
On the "Data Import / Export" page, select "Set up General Ledger Code" to open a new menu. The first three items (shown in bold red) are required and cannot be changed. For the other items, add the numbered code to the fields you require and select "Save".
If you need to set up codes for additional items, please select "Setup GL Codes for Items" to open a new menu. Here you will find a long list of additional options. Select the one you require, add your numbered code and select "Save".
3. How to export your payroll data
You may select either one Pay Period or multiple Pay Periods and choose how you wish the data to be shown (by Summary or by Breakdown of Employees or Pay Periods).
You can select “Generate a File”, “Send to Xero”, "Send to Farm Focus", or “Send to Reckon”, depending on which accounting software you use. Selecting this will export the general ledger analysis into a format suitable for your software!
You can also select "Email & Export' to preview the data, export (download to your computer) in a choice of formats (PDF, Excel, tiff or word), or email it directly to the address of your choosing.
4. Integration with Xero
To export your payroll data directly into Xero Accounting, select "Send to Xero" after you have selected your requirements from the General Ledger Analysis. After selecting this, the system will direct you automatically to your Xero Login page.
Just enter your Xero login details, and then Xero will ask you to Authorise Application (Crystal Payroll). Once this is done, the data you have selected will be transferred automatically.
5. Integration with Reckon One
Please Select “Reckon One” from the Accounting System drop-down list and Save.
Select “Save”. Select "Continue" when the new menu opens.
You will be redirected to Reckon’s login page.
Please enter your credentials and select "Sign In" to complete the authorization with Reckon.
Once the authentication is successful, it will redirect you back to the "Data Import / Export" page of Crystal Payroll.
Crystal Payroll will now retrieve all the available Books from your Reckon One account.
After you have selected a book, the system will automatically retrieve your Chart of Accounts from Reckon, which will allow you to assign a General Ledger type for each item in Crystal Payroll.
Select the appropriate general ledger codes and select "Save" after completing the setup.
Navigate to "Report Centre", "Accounting Analysis", and then "General Ledger Analysis" to send a journal through to Reckon.
Select the "Pay Period" and "Pay Frequency" (if any), then select “Send to Reckon”.